BeReal, users for real

In April 2023, BeReal selected Ding as its authentication provider, transitioning from its previous solutions, balanced between two competitors. Prior to our involvement, BeReal's anti-spam measures were limited to basic rate-limiting, cooldown periods between retries and captcha.

The impact of our solution was immediate and measurable. When benchmarked against both competitors, we outperformed them by a significant margin. By end of May, we became BeReal's primary provider. As a result, we successfully eliminated 90% of fake traffic and SMS pumping on the traffic we managed.

But our impact didn't stop there. We also saw a notable decline in attack attempts; discouraging attackers from using IRSF tactics on BeReal's platform led many to just stop trying attacking BeReal.

Today, BeReal's former weekly budget for authentication and security has been stretched to last an entire month, granting them enhanced visibility into their customer acquisition costs.

Without protection


Conversion rate


Fake traffic


Cost reduction

With Ding


Conversion rate


Fake traffic


Cost reduction